Tanzan II First observed on the southernmost chain link fence of the LA South Central Farm on June 23, 2006 A.D. Written onto the cardboard scroll and affixed to the chain link fence by Tanzan.
In our present circumstances, none of us can afford to assume that somebody else will solve our problems; each of us must take his or her own share of universal responsibility. In this way, as the number of concerned, responsible individuals grows, tens, hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of such people will greatly improve the general atmosphere. Positive change does not come quickly and demands ongoing effort. If we become discouraged, we may not attain even the simplest goals. With constant, determined application, we can accomplish even the most difficult objectives.”Adopting an attitude of universal responsibility is essentially a personal matter.”
The scroll was last observed on the chain link fence, prior to internet publication, on January 11, 2007 A.D.