BOOKS: 1922-1929

Batchelder Tiles: A Catalog of Hand Made Tiles, (Los Angeles, 1923)

Ray, Mary Ellen Bell. The City of Watts, 1907 to 1926. (Los Angeles: Rising Publishing, 1985). Pages 1, 63-65.

BOOKS: 1930-1949

Jones, Barbara. Follies and Grottos. (London: Constable 1949, revised 1974). "Concentric towers or cones of spirals so beautiful.. that it .. be held superior to all but the finest work of the eighteenth century .... Rodia is a genius".

Seewerker, Joseph. Nuestro Pueblo: Los Angeles City of Romance. (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1940). Item on "Glasstowers and Demon Rum"


"Dream Towers". When Magazine. (March 1947). Pages 12-14, 23.


Long Beach Independent May 31, 1939

BOOKS: 1950-1959

Rodman, Selden. "The Artist Nobody Knows" in (New York: New American Library of World Literature, 1952). Rodia is called "Radilla".

Young, Joseph. Course in Making Mosaics. (New York: Reinhold Pub. Co., 1957).


American Institute of Architects, So. Calif. Chapter. Bulletin. (May 5, 1957).

"Art Groups fight to save L.A. Towers: Bizarre Structure in Suburban Watts". Architectural Forum. 111 (July 1959). Pages 9-11.

Conrads, Ulrich. "Phantatiche architektur Unterstomungen in er architecktur des 20 jahrhunderts". Zodiac. (1959) Pages 117-137.

Cunliffe, H.J. "Report to the Board of Building and Safety Commissioners on Wind Forces as applied to Framed Towers". Journal of the Structural Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Papers No. 1707-1712 (July 1958).

Donovan, Earl. "But is it Art-". Westways. (October 1959).

"Fantasy in Steel, Concrete and Broken Bottles". Arts and Architecture. 76 (September 1959). Pages 27-28.

"Gli Straordinaire Torre di Watts". Domus. (December 1951). Pages 264-265.

Knud, Abell. "Watts Towers". Arkitekten. 61 (December 29, 1959). Page 488.

"Labyrinth of Watts". Time Magazine. 58 (September 3, 1951). Page 80, 85. Photo by Ernest Stout of Sam Rodilla (sic) by South Wall.

Langsner, Jules. "Contemporary Art and City Hall". Artnews. (September 1959). Page 49.

Langsner, Jules. "Sam of Watts". Arts and Architecture. (July 1951). Pages 23-25. Photos by J. Reed of Rodia's house facade/roof South Wall same as in Archive Photos, shows front gate.

Langsner, Jules. "Watts Towers". Craft Horizon. XIX (November 1959). Page 34.

Langsner, Jules. Westways. (October 1959).

Royston, Landau. "Watts Towers". Arkitekten. 61 (Dec. 1959). P488.

"Sam of Watts". Architectural Review. 111 (March 1952). P 201-203.

Silvy, Maurice. "Les Tours de Watts de Simon Rodilla". Aujourd'hui. (Jun 8, 1958).

Steinitz, Kate T. Fantastic Architecture. Milan, Italy. The Simon Rodia Towers of Watts. L'Arte (1959).

The Wonderful Towers of Sabatino Rodia". Sunset Magazine. 118 (Feb 1957). P 5.

"Toppling Towers". Newsweek. (July 20, 1959).

Willoughby. "Watts Towers". Ameryka. USIA. ( -1959 & -1960)

Winchell, Eileen Peck. "Sam Rodia's Wonderful Towers". Westward. (July 1952). Pages 12-17.


Christian Science Monitor April 8, 1953
May 26, 1959
May 28, 1959
June 8, 1959

Daily Signal June 17, 1959

Daily Variety July 1959

Dublin Evening Herald June 5, 1959

Goleta Gazette September 17, 1959

Hollywood Advertizer May 18, 1959

Long Beach Independent October 11, 1959

Long Beach Southland August 16, 1959

Los Angeles People's World August 15, 1959

UCLA Librarian October 15, 1959

BOOKS: 1960-1969

Davenport, William. Art Treasures of the West. (Menlo Park, CA: Lane Magazine & Book Co., 1966).

Kalish, Richard A. The Psychology of Human Behavior. (Belmont, CA: Unknown, 1966). Includes photographs of the Towers as example of "healthy creativity".

Krasne, Lucille and Patty Zeitlin. Castle in My City. (San Carlos, CA: Golden Gate Junior Books, 1968).

Lancaster, Clay. Follies: Architectural Follies in America. (Rutland, VT: C.E. Tuttle Co., 1960).

Laughlin, Clarence John. "A Pleasure Dome in Los Angeles" in John Hadfield, ed. The Saturday Book. (London: Hutchinson Co., 1967). Pgs 104-115.

Madian, Jon. Beautiful Junk: A Story of the Watts Towers. (Boston: Little Brown and Co., 1968). Fictionalized account of relationship Rodia may have had with neighborhood children.

Mendelowitz, Daniel M. A History of American Art. (New York:Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.). 1960, 1970. P504-505, Fig 688,689:, starting his work thirty years before" others, "Rodia created a the art of assemblage."

Rolle, Andrew. The Immigrant Upraised: Italian Adventures and Colonists in an Expanding America. (Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1968). Pages 285-287.

Schulberg, Budd From the Ashes, The New American Library, (New York, NY 1967).

Seitz, William C. The Art of Assemblage. (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1961). Pages 72-80.


"A Dream in Steel". Now 69. (March 1969).

"American Heritage". Newsweek. (April 1, 1963).

American Institute of Graphic Arts. Design & Printing of the Year. (#83, 1963).

Banham, Reyner. "The Spec Builders on Trial-Towards a Pop Architecture". Architectural Review. (July 1962). Page 44.

Barr, Alfred, Jr. "Homage to Sam". ArtForum. (July 20, 1965). Pages 18-22.

Barry, L. "Legacy of Simon Rodia". Popular Photography. 59 (Oct 1966). Page 34.

Ben-Torim, Grace. "A Line on Our Friends". The Municipal Guardian 1 (Nov 1961).

Bryan, Robert S. "Sam Rodia and the Children of Watts". Westways. August 1967. Pages 3-6. Old photo of Sam, "c1946-7", others by S. Rosen c1961-2.

"Civilization Wins a Round". Architectural Forum. 118 (April 1963). Page 81.

Conti, Giorgio. "Beauty in Our City". Vita Nova. The Quarterly Journal of the Patrons of Italian Culture. (June 1965). Pages 11-12.

Craven, John. "les Tours de Watts". Connaissance des Arts. 170 (Avril 1966). Pages 110-113.

"Death of an Enigma". Architectural Forum. (September 1965). Page 19.

de Nees, Robert. "Los Angeles". National Geographic. 122 (1962) Page 483.

"Die Turm von Watts". Werk. 55 (March 1968). Pages 192-193.

"Don't Forget the Story of Simon Rodia". Look Magazine. (June 28, 1966). Page 54. Photos show the Towers at night, lit by outside lights.

Edelstein, Eleanor. "The Watts Towers". Coastlines 6 (Sept. 1964). Page 52-55.

Goldstone, Norman J. "Structural Test of a Hand-Built Tower". Experimental Mechanics. (January 1963) Pages 8-13. Describes the load test of 10/10/59 which kept the Towers from being demolished as 'unsafe' by L.A. Building & Safety Department.

Goldstone, Phoebe. "Watts Towers Show Structural Capacity of Lathing". Progressive Architecture. 41 (April 1960). Pages 190-193.

Gould, Max, trans. "Monumento Gigante Hecho con Chatarra se Convierte en Obra Mastra de Arte". La Prensa. (February 23, 1964).

"Home is Where You Make It". Horizon. VI (Autumn 1964) Page 114ff.

Kirkeby, Eleanor. "Center for a Culture". Art Calendar. (December-January 1968). Pages 26-27; "Monument to a Country". (November-December 1967). Pages 38-40.

Lapham, Lewis H. "The Great Idea Boy". Saturday Evening Post. (February 13, 1965). Pages 74-79 photographic backdrop.

Laughlin, Clarence. "The Watts Towers". Vogue. 13 (February '61).

"le Torre du Watts". Panorama. No. 29 (Febraio 1965). Page 86-93.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art exhibit - 100 photos by Seymour Rosen, article by Laporte, Paul M. The Man, The Work. (Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum, c. 1962). Exhibition catalogue.

McWilliams, C. "Watts: The Forgotten Slum". Nation. 201 (Aug 30, 1965). P90.

Mendelsohn, Georges. "Un petite Americain tranquille a construit seul une cathedrale insolite". Reforme. 16 (September 1961). Pages 8-9.

"Miraculous Madness of Simon Rodia". Apollo. 78 (Sep 1963). Pages 236-237.

Neville, Emily. "The Name is Simon Rodia". Beginnings. (1968). Pages 70-71.

"New Look by New Breed". Sepia. 19 (Sep 1968). Towers as photographic backdrop.

..."Oh Brother, Only in L.A." Los Angeles magazine. (September 1961. Page 2.

Oyama, Mary. "The Watts Towers, Artistry or Oddity-". The Rafu-Shimpo Supplement. (December 1966). Page 10.

Reed, Penelope. Du Atlantis. 26 (October 1965). Pages 780-786.

"Religion"rights photo by Seymour Rosen of Wm & Malinda Brun marriage. Time Magazine. (Jul 4, 1969). Page 57. Towers as religious setting.

"Rodia Revisited". Los Angeles magazine. (Feb 1962). Pages 14-15. Discussion of visit by Goldstone, Farrell's, Rosen and appearance of Rodia at UC Berkeley in 1961.

"Rodia's Towers". Bruce Magazine. E. Bruce & Co. Memphis, TN 41 (Winter 1960-61).

"See One Man's Great Folk Art, Rodia Towers". Parents' Magazine. (December 1961). Page 137.

Silverman, Ronald H. "Watts, The Disadvantaged and Art Education". Art Education Magazine. 19 (March 1966). Page 17.

"Simon Rodia's Strangely Beautiful Monument to His City". Lincoln Log. Lincoln S&L. (October 1962). Pages 2,6.

Steinitz, Kate T. "A Visit With Sam Rodia". Art Forum. 1 (May 1963). Pages 32-33.

The Watts towers. Los Angeles, Calif. : Committee for Simon Rodia's Towers in Watts, c1961. 11 p. : ill., map ; 21 cm. Cover title. Rodia, Simon, 1879-1965.

"Tours de Watts, Los Angeles". il arch d'Aujourd'hui (June 1962).

Trillin, Calvin. "I Know I Want To Do Something". The New Yorker. (May 29, 1965). Pages 72-118.

"Un Italiano nella Los Angeles amara". il Architetture. (January 1960).


Christian Science Monitor January 27, 1962
March 11, 1963 "Simon Rodia's Watts Towers: The Legacy of an Italian Genius Who 'Built Tall' for 33 Years" p15.

The Clarion November 10, 1966 "A Counter Tribute to Simon Rodia" p 3.

Contra Costa Times June 6, 1965 "An Old Man Waits, and Says Little of His Towers" by Haeseler, R. p 1, 15.
July 21, 1965 "A Sculptor is Buried in Martinez" by Haeseler, R. p 1, 2.

Daily Californian October 1, 1961 Announcement of Farrell Berkeley presentation, film "The Towers", Rosen slides. October 17, 1961

Evening Outlook July 31, 1964 "Perspective on Art" by Howell, B. p 20.

London Times December 14, 1961

Long Beach Independent February 21, 1960
July 7, 1960

Los Angeles Free Press July 23, 1965 "Homage to Simon Rodia" p 1, 4-5.
February 11, 1966

Los Angeles Independent April 4, 1961 "Controversial Watts Towers Now Center for Art, Tourists" by Coates, P. II-7.
May 7, 1961
July 6, 1961
August 24, 1961
November 5, 1961

Los Angeles People's World August 15, 1960

Madre Tribune November 13, 1966

Manchester Guardian August 17, 1965 Redington, Michael. "The Establishment of the Pillar".

Monrovia Journal November 13, 1966 "Simon Rodia Towers Art Program Subject" p 1, 8.

New York Daily News May 19, 1960

Pasadena Independent Star News July 31, 1960

San Diego Union August 14, 1960

San Fernando Que July 1961

San Fernando Valley Times April 13, 1962

Santa Monica Evening Outlook January 3, 1961
January 20, 1961
March 3, 1961
March 31, 1961

Sierra Madre Clarion November 10, 1966 "Art Photos" p 1.

Southside Journal June 18, 1961
July 20, 1961

Star News November 9, 1966 "Arts Group Film to Outline Story of Watts Towers". p 3.

Westlake Post. January 11, 1962

BOOKS: 1970-1979

Banham, Rehner. Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies. (New York: Harper and Row, 1971). Pages 129-132.

Bishop, Robert Charles. American Folk Sculpture. (New York: E.P.Dutton Co., 1974).

Bronowski, J. The Ascent of Man. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, and Company, 1974). Pages 118-121.

Cardinal, Roger. Outsider Art. (New York: Praeger, 1972), p170-2.

Friedman, Martin. "Simon Rodia". Naives and Visionaries. (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1974. Pages 21-23.

Hemphill, H. Twentieth Century American Folk Art and Artists. (New York: Dutton, 1974. P66-69; 75-100, 109-111. The Innocent Eye, American Folk Sculpture.

Jackson, William. "At the Grave of Simon Rodia" in Noel Alvin Gardiner, ed. Streaks of Light. (California: New Dawn Publications, 1974).

Kovel, R. and T. The Kovels' Collector's Guide to American Art Pottery, (New York: Crown Publishers, Inc. 1974)

Mingus, Charles Beneath the Underdog. (Vintage Books a division of Random House, New York). 1971. Page 37-40.

Rosen, Seymour. In Celebration of Ourselves. (San Francisco: California Living Book, 1979). Also title of exhibit at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art December 3, 1976 to January 23, 1977.

Schiffer, H. Peter and N. Chinese Export Porcelain: Standard Patterns from 1780 to 1880, (Exton, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing: 1975)

Smith, Jack. The Big Orange. (Pasadena, CA: Ward Richie Press, 1976). Pages 121-126.

Thevoz, Michel. Art Brut. (New York: Rizzoli, 1976). Page 28-31

Whitney Museum of American Art. 200 Years of American Sculpture. (New York:David R. Goding Publisher:1976. Pages 100, 110-111.


Aversa, Rudy. "Primitive Sculpture: A Tribute to America" California Living. (June 5, 1977). Pages 16-18,31.

Bauman, Richard. "Simon Rodia: The Original Recycler". Glass. Vol. VI, No. 2. (October 1978) Pages 51-54.

Billiter, Bill. "Simon Rodia's Incredible Towers". Art News. (Apr 1979). P 92-5

Cannon, Terry. "A Man and His Towers". Follies. (Nov. 1975). p 1, 9.

Chase-Marshall, Janet. "The Fight to Save the Watts Towers". US. (June 13, 1978). Pages 32-33.

Genauer, Emily. "Grassroots Art from Fertile Soil". Newsday. (Jan. 25, 1975).

Hill, George. "Simon's Vision". Neworld. (No. 4 1976). Pages 24, 26.

Lanza, Patricia "California Pop Art Landmark". Nat`l Geographic School Bulletin. (April 28, 1975). P460-461.

Lewis, Jerry. "Not So Simple Simon". Ford Times. (August 1976). P36-41.

Naives and Visionaries. Walker Art Center-Dutton (1974). Article by Calvin Trillin, article and photo essay by Seymour Rosen.

Ring, Douglas. "Simon Rodia and His Towers". Aloft. (January-March 1970).

Robin, Marianne. "The Tiled Towers: Simon Rodia's Monumental Artwork". Tile and Decorative Surfaces. (May-June 1979).

"Simone Rodia: un artista irpino". Roma. (Agosto 9, 1972)

Smith, Jack. "Miracle on 107th Street". Westways. (Aug 1970). Pages 6-8, 59.

"U.S. Journal: The Towers of Watts". The New Yorker. (Dec 4, 1971). P 136-143.

"Watts Towers". Connoisseur. (April 1976). Page 388.

The Working Arts. (1978). What's Up With Watts-, False Restoration, by Jeanne Morgan.

Zadeh, Stella. "Why Simon Rodia Built the Watts Towers". Outlook West Magazine. (September 11, 1971). Pages 3-5.


Glendale News-Press August 19, 1978

Houston Chronicle May 7, 1978 "Weary Watts Towers in danger of tumbling" by Michaelson, J.

Houston Post November 9, 1978 "Watts Towers crumble amid repair disputes" by A.P.

Independent Press Telegram April 30, 1978 "Whirlwind raging around Towers" p B-1, 6.
May 30, 1978
September 13, 1978 "Watts Towers being ruined by repairers, panel charges" by Pack, S. p A-4.

Long Beach Independent November 5, 1977 "Early Rodia Art Work Destroyed in L.B." p B-1.

San Francisco Examiner December 12, 1976
June 4, 1978

Santa Cruz Sentinel October 8, 1978

Wall Street Journal January 30, 1984 "Saving the Watts Towers" by Dudar, H. p 24. Interviews w/D. Ward (called 'Wood'") & Treadwell on repair program. 1st mention of Giglio festival. Rodia alleged to get tiles from a San Pedro tile factory.

Washington Post May 7, 1978

BOOKS: 1980-1989

Peter Boswell & Philip Brookman. Forty Years of California Assemblage. (Los Angeles: Wight Art Gallery, 1989). p 15, 65 - 75.

Greenberg, D. Malibu Tile, (Los Angeles, Craft and Folk Art Museum 1980)

Kaplan, Sam Hall. L.A. Lost & Found. (Crown Pub. Inc. N.Y.). 1987. P153.

Rice, Dorothy. Los Angeles With Love. (Los Angeles: Glen House Communications, 1984). Page 79-81.

Rodman, S. Artists in Tune With Their World (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982) and "The Artist Nobody Knows" in New World Writing No. 2., (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982) pages 151-157.

_______. The Italian American: Troubled Roots. (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. or The Free Press, 1980). Excerpt on Rodia. Pages 34-39.

Whiteson, Leon. The Watts Towers of Los Angeles, photos by Marvin Rand & others. (Oakville, Ontario, Canada: Mosaic Press, 1989).


Architectural Digest. Profiles 12 color pictures. (1982).

Architecture. (August 1985); (October 1985); (December 1985).

Art in America. "The Cyclops of Fontainbleau" by Jill Johnston. p75 -81,117.Vol 84 no. 6 (June) (Brant Art Publications Inc. 575 Broadway New York, NY 10012. FAX (212) 941-2885 Discusses Rodia's impact on Swiss artist Jean Tinguely and collaborator Niki de Saint Phalle, as well as Larry Rivers. Saint Faille "intrroduced Tinguely during the early 60s to Rodia's stupendous life project". p79 ""The Head (a massive assemblage) true origins in Simon Rodia's monumental Watts Tower (sic) which incorporates many of the tools of its making as well as the hand prints of its creator."

Berman, Avis. "American Treasures: Watts Towers, An obstinate mix of persistence, refuse and vision". Modern Maturity. (Apr-May 1989).

Boles, D.D. "What To Do With The Watts Towers-". Progressive Architecture. (Jul 1985)

Burgess, Michele. "The Miraculous Towers of Simon Rodia". Sky. (Jun 1981). P88-93.

Jackson, Louise essay. Photos by Seymour Rosen. "Cat and a Ball on a Waterfall". Catalog. Oakland Museum 3/22- 8/3/86

Colin, Thomas J. "Preserving the National Register". Historic Preservation. (March/April 1981). Pages 64-65.

Crease, Robert and Charles Mann. "The Transformed Trash of Untrained Artists". Smithsonian. (August 1983). Pages 82-91.

News. So Cal Chapter of Soc of Architectural Historians. "An evening with Marvin Rand" photos of Watts Towers. (October/November 1986). p 1.

News. So Cal Chapter of Soc of Architectural Historians. "Watts Towers Tour". photo of group. (May/June 1987). p 2.

Reed, Marcia. "The Dream Land: Simon Rodia's Watts Towers" Parklands. (Autumn 1989). p 17, 18, 19. photos

"Rodia's Towering Dream". Westways. (August 1984). Pages 48-51.

Rose, H. "My American Folk Art". Art in America. (January 1982).

Schwalberg, C. "The Towers Simon Rodia Built" FEDCO REPORTER (Vol 32 June 1985) p 19.

Ward, Daniel Franklin and I. Sheldon Posen. "Watts Towers and the Giglio Tradition". Folklife Annual. (1985). Library of Congress. Pages 142-157.

Webb, Michael, "Saving Simon Rodia's Towers". Portfolio. (Vol. 5, No. 4 July/August 1983). Pages 68-71.

Westways. (October, 1984). Letter to editor. "What's Up With Watts- False Restoration", by Jeanne Morgan.

The Working Arts Winter 1980. What's Up With Watts-, False Restoration, by Jeanne Morgan.


Ojai Valley News April 14, 1985 "Touching drama builds around mystery of Watts Towers" by Caine, Winston. p 1, 11, 12. Discussion of planned play with music, 'Go Build Me a Tower' by Robert Bryan of Ojai.

San Francisco Examiner June 8, 1989 "A Towering Success: L.A. landmark proves an inspiration to Philadelphia folk artist Isaiah Zagar" by Register, K.

Wave Papers July 27, 1988 "30,000 See 10th Towers Fest".

BOOKS: 1990-1999

Bishop, Robert et al. Folk Art in American Life. (New York:Viking, 1995).

Chipman, J. Collector's Encyclopedia of California Pottery, (Paduca, Kentucky: Collector Books, 1992)

T.R. Gardner II & P. Hamlin- Something Nice to See (Santa Barbara, CA:Knoll, 1994)

Galfetti, Gustau Gili. My House, My Paradise (Corte Madera, California: Gingko Press, 1999)

Headly, Gwyn. Architectural Follies in America. (New York: Preservation Press/John Wiley & Sons, Inc.1996)

Huxford, B. and S. The Collector's Encyclopedia of Fiesta, (Paduca, Kentucky: Collector Books, 1992)

Goldstone, Bud and Arloa Paquin Goldstone. The Los Angeles Watts Towers (Los Angeles:Getty Conservation Institute and J.Paul Getty Museum, 1997)

Maizels, John. Raw Creation: Outsider Art and Beyond, Phaidon Press Limited, (London 1996). Page 7, 178 - 179.

Schodek, Daniel Structure in Sculpture 1993 MIT Press. Chapter on Goldstone's Watts Towers engineering test in 1959 as example of proving safety for outdoor sculpture.

Starr, Kevin. Material Dreams: Southern California Through the 1920s. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990). Page 225-230.

von Schaewen, Deidi. Fantasy Worlds (Koln: Taschen, 1999).

Waldman, D. Collage, Assemblage and the Found Object. (N.Y.:Harry N. Abrams. Inc. 1992) Pages 244,262,264.

Whitney Museum. Beat Culture and the New America. (N.Y.: 1995).

Zelver, Patricia & Frane Lessac-Drawings. The Wonderful Towers of Watts, (N.Y., N.Y.:Tambourine Books, 1994)


Angeles Magazine. (June 1990). Pages 90-99

Goldstone, Arloa Paquin "The Watts Towers: An Outstanding Contribution to Ceramic Art". Tile Industry News. (November/December 1993). Pages 10, 14.

Parallel Visions: Modern Artists and Outsider Art. LACMA & Princeton University Press. (October 1992).

Public Art Review. (Summer/Fall 1992). Cover photo/essay by Seymour Rosen, Pages 10, 18.

Punt, R. "Watts Towers Restoration Program Nears Completion" Los Angeles Conservancy (May/June 1990).

Schubert, Marcus. Outsider Art II: Visionary Environments. (Toronto: Kyoto 1991).

Visions from the West Coast-California Self-taught Artists, catalogue of exhibit at Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, September/October 1995.

Weizmann, Danny. Home, Sweet Home. Los Angeles Reader. (Vol. 16, No.33 May 27, 1994.


Chicago Tribune May 4, 1990 "Watts residents want towers, neighborhood to sparkle again" by Caruso, J.

Los Angeles Independent October 24, 1990 "Film explores the story behind Watts Towers and their creator" by Sinnock, B p C1.

San Francisco Examiner May 13, 1990 "Things looking up in Watts" by Caruso, J. B-1, 4.

The Arizona Republic "Restoration Complicated for L.A. Landmark" by Kay, J. p SL-18, 19.

Wave Papers March 1997 "Watts Towers' Lengthy Restoration Due for Completion in September" C.J. Martinez.
Article quotes Mark Greenfield on incorrect completion date - should be 1999.

BOOKS: 2000

Koenig, Gloria, Iconic LA, (Navigator Press Pasadena, CA 2000.


LA Times:1937-1997

10/13/37 "Flashing Spires Built as Hobby" Simon Rodilla modeled after quaint towers in Italy
4/28/39 "Glass Towers and Demon Rum" by Seewerker & Owens.
6/8/52 "Immigrant Builds Towers to Show His Love for U.S." Sam Rodia 150 ft high ladder for tourists
6/4/56 "Spires are Monument-Builder of Bizarre Towers Disappears" Sam Rodia house boarded up.
10/10/59 (Day of the load test)
10/11/59 "Famous Watts Towers Pass Strength Tests" by Thrasher, A. p A-2, 13
10/11/59 "Towers Are Articles of Simon Rodia's Faith" by Seldis, H. p A-13.
4/24/60 "The Watts Towers" by Johnson, B. Home Mag. p 28-29, 86. Color photos by Gross, R.
11/5/61 "Simon Rodia Still Shuns L.A." Matt Weinstock
6/3/62 "Magic and Majesty of Towers of Watts" by Seldis, H. Calendar p 13.
3/13/63 "The Man Who Created a Strange Monument, Then Ran From it"
8/24/64 "Spectator, Government's Role in Art" by State Senator Rees.
7/19/65 "Simon Rodia 90 Builder of Famed Watts Towers, Dies in Martinez
7/4/76 "Private Utopias of Eccentric Visionaries" Henry J. Seldis. P68.
4/18/78 "Watts Towers: Experts at Odds" by Michaelson, J. p II-1, 8.
4/23/78 "Watts Towers: Civic Pride or Shame-" by Wilson, W. p 1 and p88 Calendar
4/26/78 "Yesterday, the Roman Forum...tomorrow, the Watts Towers". Cartoon by Conrad pII-5.
9/12/78 "Meeting on Watts Towers Restoration Set" by Billiter, B. p II-1, 6.
9/13/78 "Bond on Watts Towers Restoration Work Reduced" by Billiter, B. II p1, 4.
9/14/78 "Watts Towers Stop-Work Order Eased" by Billiter, B. p II-1, 5
9/18/78 "Watts Towers: Who's in Charge Here-" by Wilson, W. View p 1, 7
3/6/79 "Towers Reach to the High Court" by Editor p. II-4.
4/24/79 "Watts Towers Work to Resume" by Billiter, B. II-1, 8. Orange County edition
5/4/79 "The Towers That Be" by Editor p II-6.
9/30/79 "Watts Towers Being Patched and Pampered" by Miller, L. p 1, 3.
10/2/79 "Struggling to Save a Masterpiece" by Editor p II-6.
7/13/80 "Home of the Arts Towers in Watts" by Muchnic, S, Calendar p 6-7, 31.
7/24/80 "Brown Expected to O.K. Watts Towers Funds" by Billiter, B. p 1, 2.
3/11/83 "Official Asks if L.A. Can Afford Watts Towers" by Johnston, D. p II-8.
3/16/83 "Watts Tower(sic)" letters to Editor favorable to Towers.
3/16/83 "The Towers Must Stand" by Editor p II-4.
10/8/83 "Consortium for Towers" by Morgan, J. p II-2.
1/22/84 "Retrospect L.A." photo by Boehner, B. p VIII-6.
7/20/84 "Watts Towers Reopened for Visitors to the Olympics" by Cummings, C. p II-1.
8/12/84 "Towering Indifference" by Johnston, D. Cover-Calendar p 1, 34-36.
8/26/84 "Saving Sam Rodia's Watts Towers" 7 letters to the Editor Calendar, p93
9/4/84 "Lesson in the Watts Towers" by Editor p II-4
9/24/84 "The Skills of Simon Rodia" by Morgan, J. p II-4 Letter to Times
2/14/85 "Agreement on Watts Towers May Be Near" by Soble, R. p II-1, 3.
2/22/85 "Private Boost for Watts Towers" by Editor p II-4.
7/25/85 "Watts Towers Spruced Up For Saturday Fete" by Dubin, Z. p VI-1, 2.
7/28/85 "Watts Renews Celebration of Its Towers" by Boyer, E.p1.
12/29/85 "Here and Over There, A Year of the Big" by Wilson, W. Our reputation is backed up by "natural light of the place and the Watts Towers". Calendar p 77-78.
1/23/87 "Rodia, Watts Towers Have Renewed Life" by Dubin, Z. story about PBS show "Daniel and the Towers".
8/3/87 "City's Watchdog Over Historic Landmarks Bids for More Clout" by Hamilton, D. p II-1.
11/23/87 p24-VI
3/20/88 "'Orange', 'Lemon' Awards Fruitful" by Kaplan, S. Towers' Conservation Program 'Orange Blossum' Award p VIII-2.
4/18/88 "'Colors'" by Bell, A. p II-7.
5/2/88 "Towering Frustration: Many in Watts Wonder When Long Delayed Renewal Will Be Done" O'Shaughnessy, L. p II-1, 8.
6/11/88 "A Fresh Start for Rodia's Watts Towers" by Kaplan, S. p V-3.
7/22/88 "Only in L.A." by Jones, J. pII-2.
8/25/88 "1st Step in Watts Redevelopment Taken" by Boyarsky, B. p 1, 23
5/26/89 "Watts Towers: Latest Goal is to Save Creator's Details" by Whiteson, L. View p1-3.
7/9/89 "Watts Towers: Symbol of High Expectation" by Whiteson, L. Calendar p VIII-1,2,6.
11/26/89 "AIA Grants Rare Honor to 'Genius' Behind the Lens" by Whiteson, L. View p E1. Photo of Rand in front of Towers.
3/4/90 "Steve Linn's Rodia's Tower" by Snow, S. 11 1/2 by 9 foot glass sculpture inspired by Watts Towers. Calendar p91.
8/9/90 "Encore: Watts Towers Again Have Audience of Thousands Thanks to Blue Line" by Pool, B. B-1
8/26/90 "Watts Towers Ongoing Tours" K-2
9/8/90 "Museum Leaders to Get Eyeful of L.A." by Muchnic, S. p F-3.
12/19/90 "U.S. Designates Watts Towers a Landmark" by Boyer, E. p B-3.
3/12/91 "Towering Takeoffs" photo by Kennedy, J. Full height movie set built near Harbor freeway like Watts Towers p II-2.
9/13/92 "City Times" announcement for 9/20/92 community news & sports in L.A. Times. Photo. p B3.
10/11/92 "The Outsiders" by Decarlo, Tessa & Susan S. Dintenfass. Magazine, p34-40.
10/16/92 "Shortsighted 'Visions'" by Knight, Christopher, Calendar pF1 & F24. Review of "Parallel Visions" Exhibit at Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
11/2/92 "A Towering Symbol of Hope in Watts" by Corwin, Miles Metro pB1, B8.
11/2/92 "Attempts to Save Spires Have Nearly Been Their Undoing" by Corwin, Miles Metro pB1, B8.
11/6/92 "Rising to a Challenge in Watts: plan for restoration of towers holds out new hope for community renewal". Editorial, B6.
11/8/92 "Watts Towers" by N.J. Bud Goldstone, Photo & Letter, Editorial page M4, Sunday Opinion Section.
3/3/93 "An Aging Island of Magic Receives Needed Attention" Metro pB1, photos of Aguirre, conservation program.
1/20/94 "Fallen Fame" by Larry Gordon. Earthquake damage. A7.
1/22/94 "L.A. Symbol Needs Heart, Not `Steel'" by William Wilson. Calendar page F1 & F9, photo.
2/6/94 "Surveys Reveal Heavy Damage to Landmarks" by Larry Gordon. Page B3.
3/6/94 "Seldom Seen L.A. Sights" by Wanda Coleman. Magazine p6.
5/15/94 "Architects' Tour.." by Larry Gordon, pA1,2,22 photos.
6/5/94 "For Seniors" by Linda Feldman, p16 Westside, story, photo.
9/16/94 "Art Alert" photo by Steve Dykes, Calendar pF1.
10/21/94 "Face Lift for Watts Towers", photo,story pB2.
1/4/95 "A Towering Presence in the Neighborhood", photos pE1,E4.
12/31/96 "Watts Towers Scaffolding Removed as Work Continues" 2 photos by Bob Chamberlin. pB4
2/8/97 "An Overlooked Journey" by Christopher Knight. pF1 Noah Purifoy, 1st Watts Twrs Art Ctr Director.
3/15/97 "Oginz Exhibition Offers Sculptor's View of L.A." Ô1976,when he moved to L.A. because he loves the Watts Towers' page F4


LA Mirror News:1955-1961

October 4, 1955
May 25, 1959 p 3.
July 3, 1959
July 6, 1959
July 7, 1959 p 4.
July 8, 1959
July 10, 1959
August 7, 1959
October 10, 1959 (Day of load test).
October 12, 1959
October 13, 1959
November 7, 1959
May 16, 1960
February 10, 1961
February 27, 1961
March 30, 1961


Los Angeles Herald-Examiner 1950-1987

5/24/59 p11
5/25/59 "'Don't Care' Says Builder of Towers" p 21.
10/11/59 (Story of successful load test).
7/19/65 "Rodia Hailed as Artistic Genius" by Horning, D. p A-3.
4/20/85 "Save the Watts Towers" by Whiteson, L. P 1.
4/21/85 "Sam Rodia: Our Town's Artist" by Whiteson, L. p A-1, 7, 8.
4/22/85 "Rodia's Work Rises Above Mere Folk Art" by Whiteson, L. p A-1, 6, 7.
4/23/85 "Pointing the Way to a Better Watts" by Whiteson, L. p A-1,8.
4/24/85 "How Rodia's Monument Can Help Pull L.A. Closer". by Whiteson, L. p A-1, 8.
5/1/85 "Masterful Folk Art Rooted in History" by Knight, C. p D5.
6/15/85 "City asked to take new look at future of the Watts Towers" by McGriff, M. p A-1, 3.
6/16/85 "Panelists Agree: As Watts goes, so go its Towers" by Carlson, T. p A3.
6/17/85 "A three-day forum stresses the real, as well as symbolic, value of Watts Towers" by Cherubin, J. p C-1, 6
6/18/85 "Helping Watts' Magical monument to help itself". by Whiteson, L. p A-1, B-8.
7/26/85 "A towering festival in Watts" by Everett, T. p 1, 35.
7/28/85 "Watts Towers shine for all to see" by Fleck, J. p-A-1, 9.
10/16/85 "City will pay Towers' upkeep for 5 years in settlement of lawsuit" by Chandler, J. p A7.
10/17/85 "A civic triumph: Watts Towers will be protected" by Editor pA18
10/22/85 "Debate rages over repairs to Watts Towers" by Whiteson, L. p C-1, 6.
2/18/87 "Focusing in on Watts Towers" by Whiteson, L.

Los Angeles Hollywood Express
July 6, 1959
July 7, 1959
October 10, 1959 (Day of load test).
October 12, 1959
October 20, 1959
December 11, 1959
December 29, 1960
February 2, 1962

Hollywood Citizen News
May 23, 1959
May 25, 1959
July 9, 1959
July 17, 1959
July 23, 1959
August 4, 1959
October 12, 1959
October 22, 1959
January 6, 1961
June 1, 1961
August 25, 1961
September 1, 1961

San Francisco Chronicle
May 26, 1959
August 13, 1961 Pictures/story by Alfred Frankenstein p 25, 26.
August 23, 1961 by Alfred Frankenstein.
August 29, 1961
August 30, 1961 Letter to Editor by Benjamino Bufano, sculptor & friend of Rodia.
October 17, 1961
May 30, 1976
March 5, 1979

New York Times
May 31, 1959
July 16, 1959
July 10, 1959
July 26, 1959
July 12, 1959
October 12, 1959
August 28, 1960
March 8, 1963
June 23, 1963 "Change of Heart, Towers in Los Angeles, once doomed are now hailed as Priceless Art" by Gladwin Hill.
July 20, 1965
March 20, 1966
April 13, 1967
May 5, 1978
October 20, 1978
October 16, 2001 (added by TryWatts.Com)

South End Bee
June 18, 1959
July 7, 1959
July 15, 1959
July 29, 1959
August 12, 1959
September 16, 1959
September 23, 1959
October 14, 1959
October 21, 1959
March 22, 1961
June 28, 1961
July 3, 1961
September 6, 1961
July 5, 1962
July 25, 1962

  September 22, 1991 "Watts Journal: In Scrapheap Art, a Reason for Hope" by Mydans, S. p 12.

Towers are newest U.S. Landmark. February 6, 1997 "Reading the Message in the Bottles" mentions Towers & Goldstone by Patricia Leigh Brown p B-1



The Towers (1952) William Hale, Creative Film Society.

Baylis Glascock - 5 min student film 1960s

Slattery's People -CBS (1965).

Daniel & the Towers (1987) Judith James-fiction. Aired nationally on Saturday April 18th at 8 p.m. on PBS' Wonderworks.

Bronowski, J. The Grain in the Stone Ascent of Man; Episode 3 Video Classics. A BBC Television/Time-Life Films co-production; produced by Adrian Malone & Dick Gilling ; directed by Mike Jackson. [Chicago, IL] : The John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Library Video Classics Project, [1988-], c1974. 1 videocassette (52 min.) : sd., col. ;.Originally distributed by Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc. Public performance allowed. Written and presented by Jacob Bronowski, based on his book. Summary: A survey of selected architectural creations, ranging from the temple at Paestum, ancient irrigation systems, the cathedrals of medieval France to the Watts Towers of Los Angeles.

California Gold - KCET (1991) - Howser.

Spires to the Sun (1991) Robert Rees. Aired locally in Southern California on KCET.

In Living Color - Fox 9/27/92 background for show.


The Watts Monster -1977. Actor Bernie Casey is shot by police while about 40 feet up in the tallest tower.

Dr. Black & Mr. Hyde - 1978. Remake of The Watts Monster.

Colors - 1988. Watts Towers as background and in climactic scene where "Gazebo" sculptural model is destroyed in car crash.

Ricochet - 1990. A full-scale, simulated set of replicas of the Watts Towers. Scenes included helicopters hovering around replica towers. Featured John Lithgow.

White Men Can't Jump - 1991 film shows Watts Towers in background. Film was shot across Graham Street & Santa Ana Street, northwest of the site.

Edward James - Builder of Dreams - 1995. Top Drawer Productions, 1 hour video shows that millionaire poet sculptor James was moved to work on sculptures in Xititla Mexico after seeing the Towers.


Musical - UNK. "Radio Rodia by Peter Yates a solo opera about Rodia and Tressa Prisbrey Friday June 2, 1995, Santa Monica CA.

"Breaking Plates" by Ashby Semple; produced 10/28-30/94 and 11/4-6/94 at Watts Towers Art Center and 12/28/94 at L.A. Music Center by Cornerstone Theater Company.

"Taking in the Towers" by Farley, Michael. March 7 and 8 1992. St. Lawrence University, New York. Music, videos, audio tapes of Rodia, photographic exhibition.

"Go Build Me a Tower" notice in Ojai, CA; April 14, 1985 "Touching drama builds around mystery of Watts Towers" by Caine, Winston. p 1, 11, 12. Discussion of planned play with music, 'Go Build Me a Tower' by Robert Bryan of Ojai, CA.

"Sonofabitch"- Kafkaloff (Los Angeles: 1978).


...Notes by Steinitz Babitz, Mae. "Stream of Consciousness Report of Visit to Sam Rodia in Martinez". (September 1960). 13 pgs.

City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department. "Conservation Reports- 1986 to date" (1986 through 92).

City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety. "Order of Testimony in Watts Towers Demolition Hearing". (1959)

Committee for Simon Rodia's Towers in Watts. "The Watts Towers: Creativity, Play and Technology". (Los Angeles Pacific Design Center: February 1981). Photographs by Seymour Rosen, Exhibit handout.

Craddock, Fay. "Poem to Sam Rodia". (May 7, 1960).

Dunbar, John R. "The Trial". Claremont Mens College. (1964).

Feldon, Victoria. "Proposal for an Article on the Watts Towers". (1967).

Fideler, Franceca. "The Watts Towers". (September 1976).

Fielding, Frank. "Watts Towers". (University of Southern California: May 1960).

Frith, Claire Biane. "Nuestro Pueblo". (Immaculate Heart College: 1959).

Hall, Vivian. "The Tower of Watts". (November 21, 1960).

Michelet, Michel. "About the Watts Towers by the Great Dreamer Simon Rodia, and about Other Great Dreamers and Towers". 11 pages of notes for slide lecture at Miami Beach Museum of Modern Art. (1967).

Morgan, Jeanne. "Visit to Sam Rodia in Martinez". 6 typed pages. (September 1960).

Mungly, Donna Untitled. 18 pages.

"Old Ties, New Attachments: Italian Folklife in the West". (Library of Congress: 1992). Exhibition Catalogue.

_________. "Proposal for a Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts". (1976).

__________ and N.J. Goldstone. "Statement on the Conservation and Preservation of Simon Rodia's Towers in Watts". (May 5, 1978).

Reinsch, Mary. "The Conservation of Public Monuments, Sites, and Cultural Property". (UCLA Art History 253: March 1992).

Steinitz, Kate T. "Buckminster Fuller Visits the Towers". (February 2, 1960).

Temko, Alan. "Rebuilding Watts: Fact or Fiction-". (Berkeley: May 6, 1966). Lecture before California Conference of the American Society for Aesthetics.

Twilley, John. "Fabrication, Deterioration and Stabilization of the Watts Towers--An Interim Report". (May 1981). Lecture before the Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Conservation.

Wills, Tom. "A Report to the Watts Towers Committee Upon Completion of Spring 1967 Repairs". (August 3, 1967).

Winerman, Gerald. "Simon Rodia, Immigrant, Beachcomber, Artist". (University of California, Los Angeles: May 1961). N. J. Bud Goldstone, art conservation engineer & author The Los Angeles Watts Towers, Getty Museum & Conservation Institute, 1997 and 2002.
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