Ship of Marco Polo
The first structure built on the property by Rodia.
Located at the far eastern tip of the 'triangular' property at 1765 107th Street in Watts.
The first structure to be fully restored by Los Angeles Cultural Affairs.
The Giglio Festival
The festival originated about 800 AD in the village of Nola, a village not far from the village of Ribottuli where Simon Rodia was born and raised.
Giant towers and a giant boat feature prominently in the festival as it is traditionally celebrated.
The Ship of Marco Polo is almost an exact replica of the giant one built for the festival in Nola.
The Towers closely resemble those built in celebrating the festival.
To this day the Giglio Festival the "Festival of the Lillies" is celebrated throughout Southern Italy.
Did Rodia see the giant Towers and ship in the Great Giglio Festival in Nola?
Rodia's Decorated Floor Space
Over 1700 square feet.
Thousands of impressions.
Hearts, the back of an ice cream chair, a carpet beater, floor furnace heater grates.
The list goes on and on...
Hearts and Towers
The South Wall